Who is AAABSE?
Austin Area Alliance of Black School Educators (AAABSE) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the educational accomplishments of Austin Area children, particularly African-American children. This local affiliate was started as a branch of the National Alliance of Black School Educators and the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators for the purpose of: providing social and instructional support for African-American teachers and students, promoting and expanding career opportunities for our membership, and assisting in serving the African-American community through advocacy, knowledge, and networking.
Over the years, AAABSE has conducted informational workshops for parents, students, and educators. AAABSE has advocated for the reduction of African-American students in special education and extra funding for low performing schools. Annually, AAABSE distributes thousands of dollars in student scholarships.
Although we have been successful in our collective endeavors, we face new challenges each year. We are asking you to assist us with our unwavering efforts to reach our annual goals on behalf of African-American students, parents, and educators.